Pizza de Trigo Integral con Tomates Uvas
Para que la costra esté crujiente, debe usar buenos utensilios. Los agujeros del molde permiten que se escape el vapor mientras se coce la pizza, lo cual asegurará una costra crujiente.
Para que la costra esté crujiente, debe usar buenos utensilios. Los agujeros del molde permiten que se escape el vapor mientras se coce la pizza, lo cual asegurará una costra crujiente.
This simple preparation brings out the very best in your turkey. Apples and vegetables lend their sweet goodness to the bird as it roasts, and the glaze, which simmers on the stove while the bird roasts (or may be made ahead, if you’d rather have the burner for other things) gently intensifies in flavor until it is time to baste. This no-fail glaze gives the bird beautiful sable brown color, and warm, savory flavor.